$ 40 per month
Setup Price $30
4 vCPU Cores
100 GB NVMe
or 400 GB SSD
1 Snapshot
32 TB Traffic*
Unlimited Incoming
Port 200 MB/sec
Operating Sytem Linux
Windows ($10 Extra)
$ 60 per month
Setup Price $30
6 vCPU Cores
200 GB NVMe
or 400 GB SSD
2 Snapshot
32 TB Traffic*
Unlimited Incoming
Port 200 MB/sec
Operating Sytem Linux
Windows ($10 Extra)
$ 100 per month
Setup Price $30
8 vCPU Cores
300 GB NVMe
or 1.2 TB SSD
3 Snapshot
32 TB Traffic*
Unlimited Incoming
Port 200 MB/sec
Operating Sytem Linux
Windows ($10 Extra)
$ 150 per month
Setup Price $30
12 vCPU Cores
400 GB NVMe
or 1.6 TB SSD
3 Snapshot
32 TB Traffic*
Unlimited Incoming
Port 200 MB/sec
Operating Sytem Linux
Windows ($10 Extra)
$ 200 per month
Setup Price $30
16 vCPU Cores
500 GB NVMe
or 2 TB SSD
3 Snapshot
32 TB Traffic*
Unlimited Incoming
Port 200 MB/sec
Operating Sytem Linux
Windows ($10 Extra)

100 MB Port VPS

100 MB Port VPS as a cost-efficient solution comes right in the middle of dedicated and webspace hosting product ranges and provides you with the advantages of both of these types. We use a virtualization solution based on KVM and hardware that corresponds to the latest state of the art. Furthermore you are provided with guaranteed RAM and disk space. Customize your virtual private server to suit your needs and select the operating system (Linux or Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008) of your choice. To manage and administer your virtual machine, you can optionally choose between Parallels Plesk, cPanel/WHM and Webmin. Decide now and rely on high-quality, powerful VPS hosting solutions.

DDoS Protection

We offer DDoS protection up to 100 MB Port VPS and 8M PPS. Incoming traffic will go through Staminus scrubbing center and only clean traffic will be forwarded to your VPS. Best of all? It’s just an extra $5 per month!


You can upgrade or downgrade your VPS at anytime. We can provide up to 4 CPU cores, 8GB RAM, 100 MB Port VPS and 2TB storage per virtual server! Just get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to create a special quote for you!

SolusVM and OpenVZ

We use SolusVM with OpenVZ virtualization for our 100 MB Port VPS series. This allows us to offer VPS with the lowest overhead and maximum performance while offering root access and a separate OS to each VPS.

Flexible payments

We don’t have silly cancellation policies. Cancel whenever you want to cancel. We don’t ask you to cancel 7 days, 15 days or 1 month before like most providers! We want you to be using our servers because you want to, not because a cancellation policy makes you!

100 MB Port VPS connection

We have a 100 MB Port VPS connection per hardware server, which is shared among the virtual machines on that server. You can burst up to the whole 10 Gbps connection as and when required so hosting high bandwidth using websites, apps, streaming or CDN nodes is fine with us!100 MB Port VPS


We are using one of the best quality networks located in Netherlands and in Europe. The network has access to a lot of connectivity providers and uses BGP4+ meaning that your traffic reaches its destination with the best and shortest possible route, giving your users the fastest response times for your app or website.100 MB Port VPS

Full Control

You get full root access to your VPS, as well as a control panel, where you can reinstall your VPS with any linux distribution you like. You can also shutdown, boot, reboot and perform many other functions here. You get full KVM/VNC access to your VPS, so you can access it through the console if you want to do network configurations which might affect your SSH connection.100 MB Port VPS

Our Hardware Nodes

This is the hardware where your VPS is hosted. We use Supermicro servers with latest Intel Ivy Bridge CPUs, ECC memory and 8-12x SATA3 6Gbps hard drives in hardware RAID10 for the best performance and redundancy! These deliver high disk I/O and high performance, combined with high uptime with our monitoring systems in place, which send our staff updates in case a server is having issues.100 MB Port VPS

Fully Customizable VPS

You can add more resources by either upgrading to the next plan, or remove the resources by downgrading to the previous plan, like most providers offer. Or, you can add or remove resources one by one, as per your requirements and save a lot of costs. That means, if you need only more ram and not CPU and HDD, why spend money on them when you only need ram. We offer exactly that, so you don’t have to spend more.100 MB Port VPS

100 MB Port VPS

Order Our 100 MB Port VPS Servers and Feel the Difference

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